Tag: New Years

Welcome to 2015

sunriseJust like with every year that comes and goes, 2014 had its ups and downs. 2014 was a better year for me than 2013 (which is good) but I think 2015 can be WAY better than 2014.

There has been a movement, in the last couple of years, by people who refuse to make resolutions because January 1st is just another day. If we want to change we should change when we want and not wait for a new year to begin to change. And while they are right, we CAN change any of the 365 days that God gives us in a year, the beginning of the new year is like the sunrise at the beginning of a new day. The start of a New Year can be the start of a new habit, a new lifestyle, a new goal to reach, a new YOU! Resolutions are a good thing, because we can all make some sort of improvement in our lives.

As for me, for the last few years I have been avoiding the cliche resolutions people make and instead choosing a new way I want to live. That is the way I want to improve. With that said my resolution is to take more chances. I don’t want to look back and wonder “What if?” I want to seize the day, capture opportunities, and do new things. I don’t like being timid and letting life happen to me, I would rather be bold and create the life I want to live.

Here’s hoping that 2015 is better than 2014. Remember, the best days of your life lie ahead!
